- 링클리퍼 공식 온라인스토어 : 코털 절삭기
- How to Delete Old Unused Kernels in Debian and Ubuntu : byobu script
- 텍스트 데이터 처리툴 awk 강좌 1.0 release : gitbook, github, github 게시판
- Free Password Manager Compatible with KeePass: KeeWeb : Free cross-platform password manager compatible with KeePass
- LemonJar - iOS Console : The most awesome iOS console log viewer. Ever.
- 유의적 버전 2.0.0 | Semantic Versioning
- gitignore.io - Create Useful .gitignore Files For Your Project
- Manpages : This makes a total of 195795 available manpages (including translations). The last update ran at November 2nd, 2017.
- Learn X in Y minutes : Scenic Programming Language Tours
- DevDocs : DevDocs combines multiple API documentations in a fast, organized, and searchable interface.
- Zeal : Zeal is an offline documentation browser for software developers.
- LovelyDocs : Android app That is like Dash on Mac OS.
- intellij-idea-cheat-sheet : intellij's cheat sheet for Dash.
- Hex Fiend : A fast and clever open source hex editor for Mac OS X.
- Introduction | Sed Stream EDitor : Sed Stream Editor
- Home - Prelude: A sleek, modern, simple and powerful Emacs experience for everyone : A sleek, modern, simple and powerful Emacs experience for everyone
- HTTPie : a CLI, cURL-like tool for humans
- AXEL : Light command line download accelerator for Linux and Unix
- mitmproxy : Python으로 만든 Console용 간편한 proxy 프로그램.
- 인터넷 속도 테스트 | Fast.com : 2016년 넷플릭스는 인터넷 속도를 쉽고 빠르게 확인할 수 있는 ‘페스트닷컴(Fast.com)’을 출시했다.
for MacOS
- mas-cli : Mac App Store command line interface
- TheAppStore.org : TheAppStore.org allows you to search for iOS and macOS apps directly from your browser without needing to search on the cumbersome iTunes/App store.
- TinyPNG : Smart PNG and JPEG compression